An Amazing Art : Ebru aka Paper Marbling

A Quick Look to the Art of Ebru Marbling is the art of creating colorful patterns by sprinkling and brushing color pigments on a pan of oily water and then transforming this pattern to a sheet of paper or other surfaces such as fabric..Or a carpet, even your guitar and your shoes as well! The…

18 Most Offensive Paintings Ever Created

Since ancient times, a wide array of painters have obtained fame through their impressive works of art. Many of them have created timeless masterpieces that remain close to the hearts of people, even until today. However, some of the most famous painters in history are also known for their offensive paintings, which have become controversial…

Always Hungry? Here’s Why

The more calories we lock away in fat tissue, the fewer there are circulating in the bloodstream to satisfy the body’s requirements. It’s a distribution problem: We have an abundance of calories, but they’re in the wrong place. As a result, the body needs to increase its intake. We get hungrier.     For most…

11 Most Beautiful Villages in Europe

From the Alps to the Mediterranean, these frozen-in-time European villages will make you appreciate the beauty of taking it slow. Reaching some of these European beauties requires extra effort, yet the rewards are dazzling. Your eyes will thank you. Bibury, England photo credit The hilly Cotswold region is a designated “Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty”…

Fake or Real ? Man Fights Off Great White Shark

A man high-fives his friend and dives into Sydney Harbour with a GoPro camera attached to his head. Almost immediately, his friend is waving and yelling, “Shark!” Then we are thrust into his heart-pounding escape from a great white shark. Or are we? The video, called, “GoPro: Man Fights Off Great White Shark In Sydney…